Friday, May 25, 2012

Lakey beach, Surfing Hidden Paradise in Indonesia

Lakey beach, Surfing Hidden Paradise in Indonesia. Surfing on Kuta Beach or Pangandaran may be used. But silent-silent, Pantai Lakey in Dompu, NTB has waves that stunning. This is a hidden paradise surfing in Indonesia.

If you are a sports lover surfing, be sure to conquer the waves at Lakey Beach, Dompu, West Nusa Tenggara (NTB). Waves at this beach is known for tall and big. Almost every tourist who comes says Lakey beach is one of the best surfing in the world.

Spy from the official website of tourism Dompu District on Thursday (5/24/2012), Lakey beach is located in District Sharks, Dompu District, Island of Sumbawa, NTB is quite special because it has a great and high waves. Not only that, the sand on this beach white and shiny. Lakey beach is what makes it so special.

Intrigued by this beach? You can make air travel to Bima, then forwarded by land route to the Dompu for about 2 hours. Quite a long time, but all of it akan pays off once you arrive at the location.

Blue sea with sparkling white sand welcome every tourist that comes complete with a hot air around the beach was so biting the skin. Which was hit by a giant rock Beautiful big waves increase the allure of the beach.

Many the activity of who done tourists are so arrived in Côte Lakey, such as swim and of course surfing. Most of the tourists who come are challenged to conquer the four types of waves at Lakey Beach, which is Nangas, Lakey Peak, Pipe and Periscope.

For those of you who do not want berbasah-basahan, can enjoy the beautiful beaches of the green hills that surround it. Mendakilah to the top of the hill, and you can see the beauty charm Lakey beach from a height.

Unfortunately, the existence of this beach is not much known to many people, even though the population of Indonesia. Few tourists who come no matter come from overseas, such as the America and Australia.

Inadequate existing facilities at Lakey Beach is one of the major factors he glanced about this beach. The road to the beach still seems less well maintained with many scattered garbage. Reasonable accommodation is also not available in this beach.